Are you interested in performing in our first student showcase?

We are excited to start preparing for RICS’ first student recital at the end of Session 2 with a performance date on the weekend of April 27/28th.

The theme will be Fairy Tales and the setting will be in the Enchanted Forest. By this we mean classic fairy tales, such as Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk, and the like and we aim not to borrow too much inspiration from pop culture Disney movies. (Think more Grimm’s Fairy Tales & Into the Woods and less Little Mermaid and Aladdin.) There will be 12-15 acts, strung together to fit the theme to create a coherent performance.

This is your chance to showcase your circus journey and perform for friends and family.  Students of all age, levels and disciplines who are interested in performing are encouraged to complete the survey.  We hope everyone who wants to perform will be included but commitment to lessons/class and rehearsals is required.  The selection process considers factors like skill, time constraints, rigging needs, variety in acts, music selection, visual texture, and character diversity. Safety is a priority, and the show will be kept to approximately one hour to keep the audience engaged.

Please fill out and return our questionnaire by the end of January if you wish to participate in the showcase. We're interested in your preferences, abilities, and creative ideas – all crucial building blocks for the show.

In February, we'll shape the concept, finalize act types and music, and complete casting. This is when a commitment from the performers will be requested.  March is dedicated to choreography; you can create your act or join group acts choreographed by RICS instructors or opt for private lessons.  Participants should not expect that they will be able to create their act within their usual weekly session classes unless the entire class wants to participate in the act.   You can and should still train in your weekly session classes during Session 2. Show prep classes are to ensure you know your skill sequence by the end of March and  to refine it in April, focusing on cleanliness, reliability, character development, and integration into the overall sequence. It is possible that participants in the showcase will be woven into many acts and transitions.  

During Session 2, we'll offer performance training in March, taking place on either Saturday and/or Sunday mid-day to afternoons. This serves as an opportunity to refine your primary act(s), exchange feedback, and foster group spirit. While some of you may not know each other yet,  the performance is a collective effort, and everyone contributes to making it a success so working together is essential. In April, this training transforms into a mandatory rehearsal. Prepare for extra rehearsals in the last week before the show. Although we aim to keep this contained and organized, realistically, we may need one or two full-cast meetings during tech week. To get a sense of the training and rehearsal schedule we are considering you can view a rough draft here.  

There is no performance fee for being part of the showcase. Rehearsals and lessons for act development will be charged at the usual rates for studio and coach time. However, participants committing to the performance in this ensemble cast are expected to attend the necessary classes or lessons needed to create their act(s) and rehearse them as well as participate in the final performance. Also, be prepared to purchase or rent a costume.  We aim to maintain reasonable costume costs (under $70), excluding necessary underwear and tights. Two complimentary tickets will be provided to each performer. Additional tickets be available for a nominal fee.

Please complete our questionnaire so we can begin the creation of our first showcase!


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